How do Slide Properties within SongShow Plus work?


Applicable SongShow Plus Versions: 
This article applies to all versions of SongShow Plus 8.x and later.

NOTE: In SongShow Plus 7 these were called Display Properties and work in a very similar manner.

Slide Properties Hierarchy within SongShow Plus 

There are several ways to change the look and feel of your content as it is displayed within SongShow Plus.  The primary way is through changes in the Slide Properties.  There are several levels of Slide Properties and it is important to understand the relationship between them.

Slide Properties are arranged in a reverse-hierarchy; in other words, each subsequent property level overrides the former property level from general to specific as you move down the following list:

  • Global Slide Properties
  • Media specific Global Slide Properties
  • Program Slide Properties
  • Song Database Slide Properties (only recommended for very specific use cases)
  • Program Item Slide Properties

Global Slide Properties (ALL Media) - These are the most general slide properties.  They apply to All Media types for all programs, objects, and items for which you have not set more specific properties. These settings are applied any time you open SongShow Plus.
There are a few ways that Global Slide Properties can be edited but the primary way is from the main toolbar -- Main Tool Bar > Slide Properties >Display number (if relevant) > All Media.  From here the property groups can be selected to adjust the projected result for All Media.

Global Slide Properties (Media specific) - These are also a general slide properties.  They apply to specific Media types for all programs, objects, and items for which you have not set more specific properties. These settings are applied any time you open SongShow Plus.  The available Media Types are: Songs; Scripture; Images; Videos; Audio Tracks; and External Players.  Each Media Type has a distinct set of properties that can be selected for it.
There are a few ways that Global Slide Properties for Media can be edited but the primary way is from the main toolbar -- Main Tool Bar > Slide Properties >Display number (if relevant) > select Media type.  These are nested under the All Media settings and can be found there as well.  From here the property groups can be selected to adjust the projected result for the selected Media type.  When selected, these will override the All Media settings.

Program Slide Properties are an object inserted into a program and affect all relevant program items below them in the program. These properties are only applied in the program they appear in and can be moved up and down in a program like any other program element. Moving these up and down will change how the items in the program are displayed.
There are a few ways that Program Slide Properties can be added but the primary way is from the Program Panel -- Right-click in the Program Panel >Insert Item > Slide Properties For > Media type. These can be moved by drag-and-drop. When used, these will override the Global Slide properties.

Song Database Slide Properties are a song database specific setting and are saved in the song file.
NOTE: These settings are only recommended for very specific use cases.  Incorrect or overuse of the song file specific Slide Properties settings can cause other bad behavior or at the very least, overly confusing behavior when displaying songs.   
These properties will be applied every time you display the song from the database or add it to a program in SongShow Plus and display the song. This is useful if you have a song that you want displayed in a specific way all the time.

There are a few ways to edit the Song Database Slide Properties but the primary way is from the Song Database Panel -- Select the song > Right-click the song > Edit Song.  From this dialog select the Slide Properties tab. When used, these will override the Global Slide properties and the Program Slide properties.

Program Item Slide Properties apply to an individual item within a Program.  This setting is program and object specific and will be applied every time you open the program in SongShow Plus and display the object where the properties are set.  This is the lowest and most specific Slide Property setting possible and it overrides everything else.
To edit the Program Item Slide Properties -- Select the object in the program > Right-click the object > Slide Properties > select property group.  NOTE: Not all property groups are available for all media types. When used, this will override the Global Slide properties, Program Slide properties, and Song Database Slide Properties.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Keep in mind that when selecting property groups at a lower level, ALL of the settings in that group are over-ridden, not just the ones that are changed.  For example, if the Background property group is selected, ALL of the options under ALL the tabs contained in the Background property group will be affected.  It is important to consider this when making changes and to go through all settings to make sure the desired effect occurs.

Training Videos - A video walk-through of this process is available.  Locate the video on the training page - Basic introduction > Slide Properties Overview

Depending on your current subscription level, you can go to the GoFishMedia website training page and log in with the same Customer ID and password that you use to log in to the SongShow Plus site or activate SongShow Plus. Review this article for more details.

If this does not resolve the issue, contact the Support Team.


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