Color adjusting background video using opacity

3/11/2006  < Previous  Next >
Color adjustment, that is RGB and/or hue, for motion backgrounds is something that is high on the to-do list and will likely be made available shortly after the initial release of V7. However, in the meantime, you can accomplish a similar effect by using the new opacity setting. To do this, pick a solid background color, ensure that no background image file is selected, then use the new opacity setting in the Motion Background, Effects page. This will blend the background video with the background color. Use of other settings can be used to create even more effects. For instance, you can lower the color value of the background video to zero and then blend in the background color. This will create a monochromatic appearance of your video. Because you will be using opacity, there are obviously some limits, but this example demonstrates a creative way to use the properties available to you now – all without any video editing!


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