Working Through the New Unlock Mechanism

2/11/2006  < Previous  Next >

This last week had me involved in the continuing work of the new unlock mechanism. V7 will incur the most significant change in this area since SSP version 0.0. (There was a slight change with SSP V 5.) Requirements of the new SSP Update Service have made the previous unlock mechanism insufficient for continued use. The good news is that this new mechanism will be more automated than the previous one, which is good for both users and support persons. This work requires careful coding and testing due to the variety of scenarios involved.

For those of you in the Early Look group, I encourage you to use the new mechanism now to unlock projection and workstation machines. Also, if you have a chance to install SSP on some machines for "evaluation", that would be helpful as well -- since we need to ensure that the evaluation mode works as expected.



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