Feature Preview: Authentication for Mobile Apps

8/15/2013  < Previous  Next >
In SongShow Plus 7, connecting to a SongShow Plus machine through a mobile app was as simple as selecting the name of the SongShow Plus machine from within the app. This is great if you trust everyone who happens to have the app. And while I'm sure that you can trust everyone, you may have a bit more peace of mind knowing that the only people allowed to connect to a SongShow Plus machine through a mobile app are those to whom you have granted permission.

SongShow Plus 8.0 provides optional support for authentication for apps connecting to a machine. When this option is enabled, the user will be required to enter their user name and password before proceeding to use the app with the machine. The process uses Windows authentication so the user will use the same user name / password he would use to login to the machine directly.

Enabling support for authentication helps to ensure that those who are controlling your SongShow Plus machine are the ones that you trust to do so.


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