The Weekend at The Rock Church
This last weekend I had the fun experience of attending a worship service at The Rock Church in Monroe, Washington. These guys push SSP to its limit! When I walked into the sancturary, I was saw before me two, yes, two SSP feeds into three screens. One feed was showing an announcement using the clouds visualization as a background (perhaps it was looping a slide show, I don't recall). The other feed provided a general welcome message using the balloons visualization as a background. One of the feeds was also, at the same time, using QuickMessage to scroll a long list of volunteer names. At the same time, one of the operators was creating a slide show using some clever animations and fonts. Of course SSP was used for song lyrics and sermon notes. It was also used during the video annoucnements -- videos played on the two side screens, while a static slide related to the video was shown in the center screen. The service went off without a hitch! My compliments go out to those on their media team for a job well done!
This last weekend, we held another SSPlash Course then an all-day (exhausting) combo-class at the church.
I'll try to get some pictures posted soon.