Song part labels may overlap the text of the song part.
Applicable SongShow Plus Versions:
This article applies to all versions of SongShow Plus
* Updates correcting this issue may be available. Ensure that you are using the most current build of SongShow Plus from the Download page before proceeding. *
When the detail setting "Full Text" is turned off (unchecked) any song part labels that are longer than 9 characters will overlap the text of the part.
When the detail setting "Full Text" is turned off (unchecked) any song part labels that are longer than 9 characters will overlap the text of the part.
Possible Cause:
This appears to be a bug in the Full Text display mechanism. This is currently under investigation.
Possible Solution:
Re-check Full Text in the option menu. This does not occur when Full Text is left enabled (checked).
Re-check Full Text in the option menu. This does not occur when Full Text is left enabled (checked).
Possible Solution:
Limit the song part labels to 8 characters.
Limit the song part labels to 8 characters.
If this article does not resolve the issue, contact the Support Team.