Selected Vimeo or YouTube video will not play or auto-play through SongShow Plus.
Applicable SongShow Plus Versions:
This article applies to all version of SongShow Plus
* Updates correcting this issue may be available. Ensure that you are using the most current build of SongShow Plus from the Download page before proceeding. *
NOTE: YouTube and Vimeo (and other content providers) may place restrictions on content availability and playability as they see fit. The behavior of the imports/links is subject to change without notice and at the discretion of the providers. Links/Imports that worked at one time may cease to work as intended.
When displaying videos through the SongShow Plus Web Pages panel from YouTube or Vimeo, the video will not auto-play or play at all when clicked. This may or may not be accompanied by a message indicating something to the effect that the video must be played from the main site. This may also indicate the content is blocked or has been removed due to restriction/violation.
Possible Cause:
This may be known and expected behavior. This may be accompanied by a message indicating that the video is not available or is restricted.
Possible Solution:
There is currently no solution to prevent this from occurring through the Web Pages panel. There are some videos which the content provider requires be played on their website and linked videos are not allowed. We are unable to change this behavior. If possible, locate and download the original content as a video file to the local machine then impot and use normally as a video in SongShow Plus.
Possible Cause:
Changes by the provider may prevent auto-play. The content link is imported but does not play when the program object is advanced.
Possible Solution:
It is likely that auto-play was disabled or suppressed. User must click the play icon on the displayed video thumbnail to start the video.
If this article does not resolve the issue, contact the Support Team.