Windows 10 - OS Security settings cause issues with SongShow Plus - Controlled Folder Access
Starting with 1709 build release of Windows 10, there was a new feature added called Controlled Folder Access that will restrict access to certain folders. In some cases this is referred to as Ransomware protection. When enabled, this setting defaults to a "block everything" stance and can cause problems for SongShow Plus as well as other software and operations. Under normal update situations this setting would remain off so there should be no surprises, however, if a user turns this on without realizing the scope of it there will be issues. Also, starting with the 1803 Windows 10 release, it seems that this feature is turned on by default on a clean, first time installation. As expected, this would also cause issues for SongShow Plus as well as other software and operations.
When this feature is turned on the user will be notified that a block event has occurred and should be directed where to adjust the settings, though if not recognized, the notice is easy to ignore.
Settings for this can be found by searching for "Controlled Folder Access" in the Windows Settings area. It can either be set to allow certain apps access or disabled all together.