Recalling the barely-out-of-prototype debut once again

4/15/2006  < Previous  Next >

Although I blogged about this a few months ago here, I was once again recalling that this Easter season represents the ten year anniversary of SSP’s debut. That is, its debut as a barely-out-of-prototype-pre-beta software application. The founding church, Capital Christian Center (CCC) of Meridian*, Idaho, is still using SSP today. It has been a significant beta test site for V7.


SSP's debut coincided with the debut of the new multimedia system at CCC. Poetically this church, ten years later, just implemented a significant new upgrade to its multimedia system.


Anyway, as I dig around some old boxes here and there, I'm hoping to find one of these early builds so I can provide a screen shot or two. It could be entertaining.


Best wishes to all of you and your Easter weekend.


*Meridian neighbors Boise. Boise is in southwest Idaho. Idaho is just right of Washington and Oregon. That’s right, now you have it – it’s that state with the skinny top.


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