Another Day at NNU
This week, I was invited back to Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) to give a demonstration of SSP. This time, I was to give a presentation to a worship leadership class being taught this semester by Dr. Jay Akkerman.
Of course, I'm always happy to give a demonstration of SSP. However, over the last several years of giving demonstrations, the audience has typically been seminar attendees who are interested in learning more about the product. I was wondering what a classroom of college students would be like. I had envisioned rows of students bored and barely staying awake, perhaps even typing away on there notebook computers IMing and catching up on other homework assignments.
Well, I was quite pleased with the reception I received. I could barely keep up with the questions they were asking and many of the students seemed quite interested in what SSP had to offer. Okay, there was one gal in the second row who was catching up on some missed sleep (boy, have I been there). Anyway, I enjoyed the experience and look forward to another opportunity.