5 Minutes With Doug Reece
I was pleased to be featured in the 5 Minutes With column in the current (November) edition of Technologies for Worship Magazine. Only a portion of the interview was published in the magazine. According to its footnote, the entire article is available at the website, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
It may require a subscription to read. The newest Archive article is June or July, and the Video section (where the 5 minute articles can be found) is not an active link.
Go to the digital version of the current issue is available online. However, the November issue is no longer the current issue and I don't see anything about archived issues.
Then click the Archive button on the top left of the page and select the November 2009 issue and go to page 15.
And here's the full interview.
Here is the link to the full article online. If this does not get you there for some reason you can go to the TFWM site and select Magazine > Archives > Video and select 5 min with... Doug Reece.