Enhanced clipboard capabilities
The October 2007 Edition provides enhancements of the clipboard copy/paste functions for setting display properties. Previously, within the Display Properties window, you had the choice of 1) copying all properties or 2) copying a panel, like font or effects. With the new edition, you have more levels of clipboard granularity.
Take the Motion Backgrounds property group as an example. Previously you could either copy the Selection panel or the Effects panel, but not both at the same time. Now you can still copy each one individually, but you can also copy the contents of both panels together.
Similarly with Song Text, you could copy the contents of, say, the font panel or the effects panel, but not both at the same time. Now you can copy all properties associated with, say, lyrics (Font, Color / Fill, Outline, Effects, and Shadow) then paste them to another tab like Title. Or, if you wish, you can copy the Song Text property group for a song item (Lyrics, Title, Author, Copyright, and Reference) and paste them to another song item.
Below is a hierarchy of the Display Properties. Each bullet item identifies a level of display properties and each supports clipboard copy/paste. The color highlights which properties are compatible with each other for copy/paste.
- Song Text
- Lyrics
- Font
- Color / Fill
- Selection
- Effects
- Outline
- Effects
- Shadow
- Title
- Font
- Color / Fill
- Selection
- Effects
- Outline
- Effects
- Shadow
- Author
- Font
- Color / Fill
- Selection
- Effects
- Outline
- Effects
- Shadow
- Copyright
- Font
- Color / Fill
- Selection
- Effects
- Outline
- Effects
- Shadow
- Reference
- Font
- Color / Fill
- Selection
- Effects
- Outline
- Effects
- Shadow
- Lyrics
- Song Layout
- Lyrics
- Title
- Author
- Copyright
- Reference
- Layout
- Scripture Text
- Content
- Font
- Color / Fill
- Selection
- Effects
- Outline
- Effects
- Shadow
- Reference
- Font
- Color / Fill
- Selection
- Effects
- Outline
- Effects
- Shadow
- Content
- Scripture Layout
- Content
- Reference
- Layout
- Video
- Placement
- Effects
- Image
- Settings
- Effects
- Shadow
- Background Color
- Selection
- Effects
- Background Image
- Selection
- Effects
- Motion Background
- Selection
- Effects
- Background Effects
- Margins
- Transitions
- Blank Slide
It is now much easier to copy and paste effects selections, fill selection, shadow selections, and such when building programs and slide shows.