The influence of the Wish List
With the June Edition of SSP, you now have the capability to play an audio track along with a slide show or song lyrics. This is where the wish list has come in handy. While providing audio track support for slide shows was always on the to-do list, providing the capability to play an audio track while presenting song lyrics was not a high priority. From my perspective, I didn't see why there would be much use for such a feature. Well, the voting by those participating with the interactive wish list helped shed light on this topic. The desire to play an audio track while presenting song lyrics actually ranked at the top of the the wish list recently. This helped propel it to the top of our to-do list.
If you haven't used the wish list yet, I encourage you to do so. You can access it here: There are some planned upgrades that will make the wish list better to use, so those of you who have used it can look forward to this in the future.