Feature Reviews > SongShow Synchronization
1/8/2016 3:48:49 PM
Today I downloaded and installed 8.3 with the intent to try the new synchronization feature. It seems everything installed correctly and is running as expected. That is all except the synchronized folders. Under "Settings" when I click on "Synchronized Folders" I am prompted to enter a Username and Password. I have tried our Customer ID as the username and our zip code as the password but get the response "Not Authorized (401)." I called Tech Support but was told since 8.3 is a Preview Release he couldn't be much help. Does anyone know how to set up our username and password and Repositories.
1/11/2016 9:59:53 AM
Hi Dennis - I would be happy to help....
Yes - the credentials that you put in should work. I would double check to make sure you can log into the SongShow Plus site with them to make sure you have the right credentials - sometimes the password is zip+4.
If this does not work let me know and we can get together and take a look at this.
Thanks for your interest.
Yes - the credentials that you put in should work. I would double check to make sure you can log into the SongShow Plus site with them to make sure you have the right credentials - sometimes the password is zip+4.
If this does not work let me know and we can get together and take a look at this.
Thanks for your interest.
1/13/2016 10:47:48 AM
I also cannot get to the repositories. I keep getting the "Unauthorized" error.
1/14/2016 12:55:22 PM
Thanks guys for taking a look at this...
First there is a new Preview build posted yesterday so try that....
I did not hear back so I have checked both of your accounts and I can login to the SongShow Plus site with your credentials.
Please make sure that you can log into the SongShow Plus site with your credentials as well and then try setting the synchronized folders again.
Let me know what you find.
Thanks guys for taking a look at this...
First there is a new Preview build posted yesterday so try that....
I did not hear back so I have checked both of your accounts and I can login to the SongShow Plus site with your credentials.
Please make sure that you can log into the SongShow Plus site with your credentials as well and then try setting the synchronized folders again.
Let me know what you find.
1/14/2016 2:21:43 PM
Thanks George. I did try using our church credentials and was able to login to the SSP website. I still couldn't get the sync to work in 8.3 but didn't have time to respond back to you. That was before yesterday's preview update however and I haven't had time to download and try the latest. Hopefully I can do that tonight and let you know if it works.
1/15/2016 2:49:05 PM
George, Today (1-15-16) I installed the latest 8.3 Preview dated 1-4-16. I logged into our account with our customer ID and zip code as password and was able to login without any problem. I then disabled all anti-virus software and firewall. I tried to run Synchronize Folders using our customer ID and zip code as the password and still get the error "Not Authorized (401)." I even uninstalled and re-downloaded a fresh copy of 8.3 Preview Release, 1-4-16 and tried it several times and still get the same error. Prior to doing any of this I ran a scan and cleared the cache, cleared the browser etc. and rebooted the computer just in case there was something lingering there that could be causing the problem. Still get the same results. I'm stumped and don't know what else to do.
1/18/2016 1:02:45 PM
Hi Dennis - Thanks for the effort....
I will be digging into this further to see what may be the issue.
I will be digging into this further to see what may be the issue.
1/19/2016 5:11:28 PM
Hi again guys. Wanted to give you a heads up that we believe we have found the issue and it has been corrected.
Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your patience.
1/25/2016 11:15:41 AM
George, thanks for the heads up. Sorry I've taken so long in responding. We've had some pretty bad weather here by Tennessee standards and I'm just now getting to our projection machine to try the latest 8.3 update. I'm happy to say it seems the sync feature is working well now. I am able to connect and get the corporate repositories. I'm looking forward to the time when instructions on how to use are posted and learning how to use sync. Thanks a bunch for your help.
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