Version 9.0 > Scripture Slides Assistant


5/25/2020 4:23:56 PM
We have an issue with Slide Shows and the Scripture Slides Assistant. This problem existed in version 8 when we upgraded 18 months ago and continues in version 9. We did not have the issue in SSP 7. We ran SSP 7 on a windows XP computer that was purchased in 2007 until we upgraded that computer in 2018 and went to SSP 8. I had previously downloaded ver 8 on the old computer and had performance issues and assumed it was related to the age of the computer, and since 7 worked we didn't bother upgrading until CCLI integration forced us to. (I got tired of entering songs manually).

With the new laptop purchased from GoFish Media in Nov 2018 specifically to run SSP, I had problems with Scripture Slides Assistant hanging or stop responding while it was processing the slides. The more slides you added, the worse it got. You could click finish and have it add the slides to the slide show, and restart it to help it run better, but this never happened to me in version 7 of SSP. 

Our church was broken into earlier this year and that laptop was stolen. I replaced it with a Dell G7, Core i7 9750h, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, and downloaded version 9 hoping it would help. The problem still occurs. In Slide Builder you can see it very slowly adding the slide previews. You can wait about 30 seconds between each thumbnail showing up. While this is going on you can look at Task Manager and see that 1 logical processor is pegged at 100% and none of the others are being used. This on a processor with 6 cores and 12 logical processors. It also affects the running of the slide show during service. It can periodically hang and not advance to the next slide quickly. Yesterday the entire program hung up at the end of service while still in the slide show and I had to close it from Task Manager. This was several minutes after it had locked up and we had the closing Hymn, announcements, and prayer.

Our slide shows for Scripture during the sermon have a lot of slides in them. But again, this was not an issue with SSP 7 on a much less powerful computer. The slide show for yesterday had 308 slides. 1 title slide and the rest were scripture, one verse per slide. Yes some of them are duplicated, but they are in the order of the Pastors notes and if you may use them again they are there so the operator just has to go forward and not look backwards for something.

Sorry for the long post, trying to give as much information as possible.

To sum up - 
Performance issues with Slide Builder and Scripture Slides Assistant in SSP 9 (existed in SSP8, but not SSP7)
It hangs and is unresponsive for several seconds. Affects performance of the using the Slide Show during the service.
Dell G7, Core i7 9750h, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070

Does anyone else have performance issues with using Slide Builder and Scripture Slides Assistant?

Thanks, Jon

5/27/2020 9:51:13 AM
Hi Jon,

Have you looked into the Multi-processor Settings in SSP 9? You can find it in Settings > Multiprocessor. From there, select the option "A) Allow use of multiple processors and cores." I hope this fixes the issue you're having.


5/27/2020 4:49:53 PM
Option A is selected. 

Which makes me wonder if Slide Builder makes use of multicores.


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