Tips & Tricks > YouTube as a formatting tool


4/11/2011 10:28:41 AM
Quite often by the time I get around to putting the song part of the song show together, it's too late to call anyone for help or input.

With new songs, I've always had to do my best guess of how to format the songs for the screen until the practice run through at before church the next morning.

However, recently I've been going to YouTube, finding the song in question and using that to format line breaks, page breaks and basic verse order. This has been a huge blessing and the songs are in much better shape by the time the services roll around.

5/13/2011 7:58:16 AM
That is interesting. When our Worship Leader gives us a new song that I don't know, My first step is to download it from CCLI. But you are right, often the lines are too long and I don't know where to put the line and page breaks. I too have gone to youtube, but just to hear the song so that I could get an idea of how to break it up.

Are you looking for versions of the songs with the words already formatted, or just listening to get an idea of the rhythm so that you know where to put the breaks (like I do)?

5/13/2011 1:03:08 PM
I download the lyrics from CCLI. I'm just listening to get an idea of the rhythm so that you know where to put the breaks (like you do).

5/14/2011 8:29:46 PM


Although, this moring I was getting adatabase error when trying to logon to CCLI. This happened on the website as well as the downloader. As Murphey would have it, two of the hymns we were doing (in the three song, traditional service) had never been used before. They also were not a part of the normal SSP song list. I then commenced to Bing it (stopped using google because of their anti Christian bias) to prevent typing (hooker method) them in. By the time I found enough of the lyrics to cliipboard import them, CCLI finally came back online. I downloaded on CCLI to record the copy and to get the CCLI # and copyright info.

The MD sent us a youtube of Majesty (Here I Am) by Delirious, that we will eventually do. It was slightly different than the CCLI DL, but I was able to rearrange it to match. youtube (psh google) and Godtube are great resources for determining line and page breaks.

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