Feature Reviews > Dropbox, Google Drive, and Sky Drive
4/19/2013 11:09:45 PM
Excellent. Now I just need to get net access to our PC.
5/10/2013 7:26:32 PM
Excellent! This will let me work on programs when I am out of town, and upload them for the staff to retrieve. And maybe I will no longer be hunting for forgotten flash drive.
5/10/2013 8:35:37 PM
Great! We've been doing this for a while with spideroak. (foldershare, too, back when it was the one to use..). I sync my videos, images, programs, songs, and slideshows, so we all have access to the same material. Will we have this amount of granularity, or will it just sync to one folder and we have to retrieve materials from that one folder?
5/23/2013 9:19:07 PM
Great news!!
I know it is not the most used cloud service, but it would be cool if it syncs to Sugarsync too. I find it very nice.
I know it is not the most used cloud service, but it would be cool if it syncs to Sugarsync too. I find it very nice.
5/29/2013 11:06:47 PM
Posted By Jason on 10 May 2013 08:35 PM
Great! We've been doing this for a while with spideroak. (foldershare, too, back when it was the one to use..). I sync my videos, images, programs, songs, and slideshows, so we all have access to the same material. Will we have this amount of granularity, or will it just sync to one folder and we have to retrieve materials from that one folder?
By default, it will have access to all folders, but you can limit the access to a subfolder if you wish.
5/29/2013 11:09:37 PM
Posted By Cleber Caldas on 23 May 2013 09:19 PM
Great news!!
I know it is not the most used cloud service, but it would be cool if it syncs to Sugarsync too. I find it very nice.
We're looking at a number of other similar services. Thanks for the suggestion.
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