Tips & Tricks > Improv Overlay -- "Beautiful The Blood" example


7/29/2010 8:18:59 PM

I just tried the improve overlay tonight and was so pleased with the results, I just had to share...
This week, we are doing the song  Beautiful The Blood with the lyrics:  "How beautiful the blood flow"

I used the all_I_want_2 Free background from here:  background (the second one)
and then added a 21% opacity overlay of the seventh choice (by default) of the WorshipScapes choice under 'Overlay Improve".  The overlay was set to cover the entire screen and to loop.

The effect  makes rippling waves, in what already looks vaguely like (beautiful) blood, gently covering the subject. .. I thought it took a nice, but fairly ordinary background, and made it really moving! (sorry for the pun)   The best part, I didn't spend more than about 5 minutes fooling around with this feature to get this effect -- we already had that background associated with the song in the library copy. (it took longer to write this post).

This SSP improve feature is really very cool .. I have used other products, and the ones I have used have nothing like this!  Way to go SSP team!

(maybe this post should have gone in the...... Wave Pool forum.. sorry, I couldn't resist)

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