Version 8.5 > file searching
1/31/2020 11:43:51 AM
When searching for an image or video (e.g. looking for a background)
the listing is by file type and then name. This is very inconvenient and
the only program that I have where this is the default. Often I'm looking
for a named file and have to scroll completely through the list to make sure
that the file isn't of a type that I hadn't thought of. Is there any way to
change the default to the more common "name & file type." I've tried
everything I can think of w/o success. I'm sure there must be a way
since this is the most common file display format.
3/27/2020 7:32:56 PM
Agreed. I would love to have an alpha sort order available. I don't care if a video is an AVI, WMV or MP4. I want to find the video.
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