Tips & Tricks > Yes, you can play a vob file in SSP... (without extra features)


Michael the Great
6/9/2007 10:50:27 PM

If I rename a .vob file to .avi, it plays fine in SSP7 and whatever version I had before 7 too...  I can't control extra things like subtitles, but for my uses that doesn't matter.  I'm sure that this won't work if you don't have an mpeg-2 player.  You can't control menus with this method. 

6/10/2007 5:38:11 AM
This depends on the DVD - I, too, have had some that work, but I have also run into DVDs that this trick won't work at all, or that begin working but after awhile just freeze. The more menus the DVD has the more problematic they are.

In my case, though, all the DVDs were denomination or religious-organization made (not Hollywood movie, etc.) so who knows how they were made.

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