Tips & Tricks > Song Database


12/3/2006 11:52:04 AM

Im looking for a Baptist song database for my church. I was wondering if any one has one they are willing to share. I have een typing songs in from a hyminal as of late and its gettign old fast. Thanks for any help or advice.

12/3/2006 12:33:00 PM
Do you have the Song Select Lyric Service from CCLI? They have most everything available for download there.

Of course, for this to be really useful, you need internet access on your projection computer, or at least the computer you create your SSP programs on.

12/4/2006 4:56:29 PM
The problem is we dont have the internet to download it on the projection system.

12/4/2006 5:28:36 PM
Posted By ryoung on 12/04/2006 4:56 PM
The problem is we dont have the internet to download it on the projection system.

What about at home... or do you make your programs on the projection PC?

12/17/2006 11:42:41 AM

I have CCLI and we use the 1991 Baptist Hymnal, and I still have to edit songs so that they match the Hymnal. I even have to do it, sometimes, when the author matches.

12/17/2006 2:54:51 PM
We have the '80's Gaither hymnal, Hymns for the Family of God. and have to check lyrics constantly. It has been a while since something popped up, but we still have to check every time.

Once we edit a song, we put a (HFG) after it to denote that it has been updated to the hymnal.

12/18/2006 7:01:47 AM
We use the current UM Hymnal, and almost always have to tweak the lyrics when we download from CCLI. I don't see this as an issue, through. Quite a few people have been known to call the UM Hymnal the "Them-nal" because many if not all of the paternal references to God the Father were genericised. Much of the language was "improved" to make it more politically correct. Sheesh.

And when we enter a hymn into the SSP database we include the hymnal number in parentheses at the end of the title [ex: "Rock of Ages (123)"]. SSP very nicely ignores the content in parentheses when displaying the title. For praise/worship songs we put in "(PT)", since these are not the same as in our hymnal; at the very least they don't have the same order of verses/choruses. That's worked well for us.


12/18/2006 12:55:38 PM
We have to ck each word in each song we use.  But to help us we have set a preset that has the Author unchecked and Copyright unchecked.  Our little clue to ourselves is on the "Reference" line.... we put (Page, XXX)  The little coma behind "page" tells us we have checked each word in that song and have the verses in the order that the book has them.  We still have some in the congergation that like to use the books so there they have the #at the of the screen to look it up.  If it is new corus or song, we just put (,) on the reference line.  Now with SSP 7 there are some songs that wont let us edit them so we have to "Clone" the song and then edit it.  Yup that gives you more than one song with the same name.  So... as was said before we put (orbc)... that is the name of our church...on the line behind the song name.  It doesn't show on the overhead screen but we know that is the song we can edit the background etc.

12/22/2006 11:14:41 AM
One thing I would add is that you need to have a space before the open parentheses "(".  If it is right next to the previous word, it does get displayed on the screen.  I found that one out when I was rushing to put together our Christmas program.

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