Feature Reviews > New and Improved Slide Builders


4/15/2008 1:35:09 PM
When I do media at our national conference, one of my duties is to project reports in the business meetings as they come in.

They are Word documents and do not use Word's outline builder to create them. They are just paragraphs of text with some headers, although I doubt they use a Header style. They just use a largers bolder font to title the sections.

Will this process help with that? Putting a 6 or more page document on an appropriate number of slides for projection?

4/15/2008 10:39:47 PM
I think that you'll find that the new Text Slides Builder will be very convenient for building multiple slides from a single source of text.

4/16/2008 6:35:43 AM
Looking forward to trying it.

The last couple of years, I've just dragged Word over to the projector, jacked up the font and scrolled back and forth as needed.

Not exactly the professional look that I generally go for.

5/9/2008 9:32:11 AM
I just downloaded the beta version and tried out the exit animations. Thanks SSP. I have been waiting for this feature for years.

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