Tips & Tricks > Fill-In-The-Blanks Technique
I prefer using Song Show Plus (SSP) with Slide Show Builder(SSB) to PPT when creating Sermon Slides.
My pastor frequently includes an outline of his sermon in the bulletin. The bulletin version of the outline contains blanks for the alert congregants to fill in as they listen to the message. I like to display that same outline on the screen, with blanks, and animate the filling in of the blanks as the pastor makes his points. This technique can be used for bullet points or in a number of different ways.
Here’s how I create a sequence of slides to ‘fill in the blanks’. This technique makes it very fast to create the sequence and produces a very nice effect.
If the main point, and three sub points each have one blank, I will end up with 5 slides of the points. The first slide will have 4 blanks, the second will have the first filled it, etc.
I start by making the LAST SLIDE of the sequence FIRST. I will get it just the way I want it, with the ‘fill in’ words underlined and sometimes in bold or a different color.
Once the last slide is done, I can create the other four by using keyboard shortcuts. It only takes about 3 seconds per copy of the prior slide.
- Hit F3 to duplicate the slide.
- Use your mouse to select the first of the two duplicates on the left of the screen. (if your focus is left, the up-arrow works)
- Now choose the last ‘fill in word’ on the slide, select the entire word, and use the ‘space bar’ several times to create an ‘underlined’ blank about the same side as the word (since the word was underlined, now the space will also be underlined, leaving a ‘blank’).
Now repeat steps 1 thru 3 for each word to be blanked.
In other words, I create the fifth slide, clone it, edit the forth, clone it, edit the third.. Until I have the fist with only 'blanks'