Version 9.3 > Songselect import apostrophes
I know you don't have any control over what SongSelect sends down for lyrics. But it seems that they are sending ’ instead of an apostrophe. I'm assuming that's the code for a right single quote rather than the straight apostrophe that is generally used in lyrics.
Is there any way you could scan for ’ and change it to ' as you bring the lyrics down? It would be a big help.
Yeah - we did see that and are looking into it....
Aslo, while I'm complaining about SongSelect import, I just had another situation where there are 2 pre-choruses and the second one overwrote the first one, rather than creating a prechorus 2.
Highlands (Song Of Ascent) Benjamin Hastings,Joel Houston Song Number 7122399
I see that they just ID them both as Pre-Chorus, so I'm not sure what you can do about it besides complainging to them. (actually, I see now that there are 3 pre-choruses!)
yep - found that and already working on a fix. I verified your song in our pending build and it works as intended... Look for an announcement soon.
Awesome. Appreciate it.
Just to be clear, it's not just pre-chorus I have the lyric problem with. The same can happen with multiple bridges.
yep - it was any/all of the repeat part names...