Scripture - Present Scripture Text

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Scripture - Present Scripture Text

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To present a single verse of scripture:


1.Find the scripture text you wish to present.
2.To present just one verse, click the Present Button next to the verse you have chosen.



To present multiple verses of scripture with each verse on it's own slide:


1.Find the scripture text you wish to present.
2.Select the verses you wish to present (hold down the shift or control key while selecting the verses with the mouse or keyboard).
3.In the Arrange Verses control, select Each Verse on its own slide.
4.Click the Present Button next to the item Selected Verses located in the box to the lower-right of the panel.
5.Each scripture slide will also show up in the Media Control Panel. Within this panel, you can navigate from one verse to another by clicking on the slides.



To present multiple verses of scripture with all verses on one slide:


1.Find the scripture text you wish to present.
2.Select the verses you wish to present (hold down the shift or control key while selecting the verses with the mouse or keyboard).
3.In the Arrange Verses control, select All verses on one slide.
4.Click the Present Button next to the item Selected Verses located in the box to the lower-right of the panel. This will present all selected scriptures on a single slide.


To present multiple verses and customize the grouping of the verses by slide:


1.Find the scripture text you wish to present.
2.Select the verses you wish to present (hold down the shift or control key while selecting the verses with the mouse or keyboard).
3.In the Arrange Verses control, select Customize when added.
4.Click the Present Button next to the item Selected Verses located in the box to the lower-right of the panel. This will open the Scripture Object Editor window.
5.By default, all scriptures will be placed on one slide. To split scriptures up by slides, right-click on a scripture where you would like to add a slide break. This will open the pop-up menu with a single item/
6.Select the Split At This Verse item. This will move that and all following scriptures to a new slide.
7.Repeat steps 9 - 10 as needed.
8.Click Save. This will present the scriptures grouped as you specified.


You can also specify a maximum number of scriptures per slide to automatically break-up scripture content. This is set using Slide Properties, Scripture Text Layout and specifying the Maximum verse per slide setting.